Faroese Alphabet (Letter Names And Pronunciation)

Faroese Alphabet (Letter Names And Pronunciation)

Faroese Alphabet (Letter Names And Pronunciation)

The Faroese alphabet contains 29 letters and is Latin-based.

Most of its letters are written the same way as the English alphabet, with a few subtle differences.

See the table below for the Faroese alphabet letters and their IPA spelling.

Faroese alphabet letter names and IPA spelling

Letter Letter name Pronunciation (IPA)
A a fyrra a ɛaː/a
Á á á ɔaː/ɔ
B b be b/b̥
D d de d/d̥
Ð ð
E e e eː/ɛ
F f eff f
G g ge g/g̊/d͡ʒ
H h h
I i fyrra i iː/ɪ
Í í fyrra í ʊiː/ʊi
J j joð j
K k k/t͡ʃ
L l ell l
M m emm m
N n enn n/ŋ
O o o oː/ɔ
Ó ó ó œuː/œ
P p pe p
R r err ɹ
S s ess s/ʃ
T t te t
U u u uː/ʊ
Ú ú ú ʉuː/ʏ
V v ve v/f
Y y seinna i v
Ý ý seinna í s
Æ æ seinna a ɛaː/a
Ø ø ø øː/œ

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