Faroese Prepositions

Faroese Prepositions

Faroese Prepositions
Faroese English
aftrat in addition
at to, at, towards
av by, from, off, of, on account of
eftir after
fyri for, before, at the front of
fyri for, in front of
gjøgnum through
hjá at, by, with
hjá to show possession
hóast despite, in spite of
innan inside, before
millum between, among
móti against
on, upon
sambært according to
summum some (dative)
síðan since
til to, towards
um around, about, during, through, over
umframt besides, apart from, except for, in addition to
undan from the bottom, from behind, before, in front of, with, in the same direction
uttan outside
uttan except, without
uttan fyri outside of
við with, beside, near
viðv. viðvíkjandi with respect to, concerning, regarding
yvir over (with movements)
yvir over (when static)
á on, onto, to, near, beside
á on, in, at
í in, into, during
í in
íggj in, into, during
úr out of, from, off

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